
Suicide Squad

There has been a lot of negative energy around this blockbuster superhero game.

But having actually got our hands on it we can say it is very enjoyable.

No it’s not up to the superstar level of the classic Batman Arkham games set in the same universe.

But developer Rocksteady has delivered a good, fun open-world action title here with a humour-packed storyline.

You switch between four different characters that make up this particular version of the DC Comics Suicide Squad.

There’s Joker’s partner Harley Quinn, the brutish King Shark, sharpshooter Deadshot and Aussie maniac Captain Boomerang.

Each one is packed full of one liners and quips through the many, genuinely funny, cut-scenes that propel the story along.

There are plenty of DC superheroes in the game

There are plenty of DC superheroes in the game

And, in the gameplay itself, the witty banter continues as you flip between the foursome and team up together to take on seemingly never ending monster baddies and foes.

As the title suggests, your job is to kill the usually heroic Justice League of superheroes.

They’ve had their minds taken over by the evil villain Brainiac and have turned bad as a result.

So Task Force X, as your team is known, is sent in by the government to clean up Superman’s city Metropolis and take out some of the biggest names in comic book history.

That means big churning gunfight sections building up to a boss battle run-in with the likes of Batman, The Flash and Green Lantern.

The city is large and offers plenty of visual exuberance, making the most of the next-gen consoles and their GPU power.

But the gameplay itself fails to equal the best fighting games out there.

You can play as all four members of the Suicide Squad

You can play as all four members of the Suicide Squad

It can get a bit monotonous battling swarms of monsters over and over again, despite the enjoyable chaos at their peak.

But the boss battles are epic and the story is compelling, not taking itself too seriously and packed full of DC names from the comics.

If you’re comparing to the very best out there, then it isn’t quite up to the likes of Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 on PS5.

But there is plenty of wild action and adventure to be had in Suicide Squad.

And it is certainly worth a look if you like the idea of a decent mix between games like Guardians of the Galaxy, Gotham Knights and Sunset Overdrive.


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